Introducing the
Pulp Cast Leaf Project
Make Zero-Waste Pulp Cast Leaf Sculptures—in One Hour
Join this special world-wide community art project! Learn how to turn scrap paper into pulp, embed wildflower seeds, and make lovely leaf sculptures using waste and natural materials.
A self-study, on-demand online workshop by artist & papermaker May Babcock.
10% of proceeds support the Rhode Island Environmental Education Association (RIEEA), whose mission is to advance environmental education through collaboration.
What’s inside:
The Pulp Cast Leaf Project™️ is an online workshop and community art project that will show you how to make earth-friendly pulp leaf sculptures.
✅ Find Out Which Zero-Waste Supplies You’ll Need. Repurpose what you have on hand, and forage for natural materials.
✅ Make Recycled Paper Pulp for Casting. Turn those scrap papers into a material for sculptural pulp casts!
✅ Learn how to embed seeds into the paper pulp itself.
✅ Discover the ‘Pulp Casting’ Technique. You’ll be guided through each step on how to capture sculptural impressions of tree leaves.
✅ Join the Pulp Cast Leaf Project’s Community Map. Install your artworks outdoors to biodegrade and grow wildflowers, or showcase and enjoy them indoors. Share a photo of your leaf sculptures to be included on the world-wide map!
A self-study, on-demand online workshop by artist & papermaker May Babcock.
How It Works
The Pulp Cast Leaf Project™️ is a self-study, on demand, online workshop taught in an online classroom where you’ll learn the easy way to do sculptural papermaking. 🪄
HOW TO ACCESS - Complete your purchase, and then login to your account to access the online classroom. Watch the video lessons at your own pace, and download the PDF notes for easy reference.
SCHEDULE - There are no live meetings or live demonstrations—this workshop is a self-study online program. You go through the video lessons when you can.
You have lifetime access to the workshop!
A self-study, on-demand online workshop by artist & papermaker May Babcock.
How This Project Started
In March 2024, I was invited to be the RIEEA Annual Summit Keynote Speaker. I spoke on the topic of Art for Eco-Literacy, and then introduced the Pulp Cast Leaf Project™️ for the first time to 180 environmental educators.
Together, we made a whole TON of pulp cast leaves embedded with common milkweed seeds, and created a community art installation by putting them in a Rhode Island College courtyard to biodegrade over time.
Papermaking is something ANYONE can do, and the Pulp Cast Leaf Project™️ serves as an engaging, earth-friendy, easy, and therapeutic art-making activity that people of all ages and experiences can participate in.
Want to Do This With A Group or Public Event?
Sign-up to watch the video lessons and get the downloadable PDF. Share the project with your own communities and groups—please credit Paperslurry and share a link to this Pulp Cast Leaf Project Page using this link: https://paperslurry.com/pulp-cast-leaf-project
I recommend blending up a bucket full of pulp and straining it out ahead of time. During the group activity, simply bring the pulp, leaves, twigs, and rags—all ready-to-go for pulp casting the leaves.
10% of proceeds support the Rhode Island Environmental Education Association (RIEEA), a collaborative network of educators, students, advocates, and organizations working to promote environmental education in both formal & nonformal settings.
The Community Map
About Your Instructor
May Babcock is a papermaking artist based in the United States, the founder of PAPERSLURRY™️, and creator of the PULP CAST LEAF PROJECT™️.
With a background in printmaking, she discovered papermaking’s transformative power while completing her MFA. Today, she innovates and experiments in her interdisciplinary practice, making sculptural paper installations, prints, and pulp paintings from plants and sediment to give voice to waterways.
May has taught papermaking at renowned art schools such as Rhode Island School of Design and SMFA at Tufts University, as well as at respected art centers such as Penland School of Craft, Women’s Studio Workshop, and other places she can’t remember right now. Her artwork has been shown at the RISD Museum of Art, New Bedford Whaling Museum, National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, Fitchburg Art Museum, and the Ogden Museum of Southern Art. She has also installed public art at Brown University, Illinois State Museum, Rhode Island State House, and T.F. Green International Airport. May is also the guest editor for the Winter 2023 ‘Ecology and Paper’ issue of Hand Papermaking Magazine.
A self-study, on-demand online workshop by artist & papermaker May Babcock.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to have any papermaking experience to take this workshop?
No experience in papermaking is necessary to take this workshop. It’s for all-ages!
Is there a supply kit I can order or do I have to order my own supplies?
Paperslurry does not provide any materials, supplies, or kits. This workshop walks you through what supplies you will need—reusing what you have, collecting natural materials, or thrifting.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may request a full refund within 14 days of your purchase by emailing may@paperslurry.com.
How long will this take?
You can do this start to finish in 1 to 2 hours. There is about 30 minutes of video lessons to watch.
If you are working with a group and prep the supplies ahead of time, you can complete this activity in 30 minutes.
Does the class meet live?
The class does not meet live by design—the workshop is made to be available to anyone in the world, no matter your time-zone or personal schedule. You will be learning independently on your own time and pace.
How long to I have to do this workshop?
You have lifetime access.
Do you have other online courses?
Yes! Signup for Paperslurry Weekly at the bottom of this page to get VIP invitations to my comprehensive online papermaking courses—only my email list subscribers have access.
Join the Pulp Cast Leaf Project
Be creative and turn waste into sculptural papermaking art!
Available for $97 — find your happy place with papermaking. 😀 💓
A self-study, on-demand online workshop by artist & papermaker May Babcock.