A Book Artist Using Handmade Plant Papers: Interview with Patricia Bungert
Something magical happens when artists's books and handmade plant papers come together. Case-in-point: Patricia Bungert's work, which features plant-fiber and handwritten text. The Book Arts and Fine Press Collection at Hennepin County Library in Minneapolis recently acquired two artists's books by Patricia. The following interview originally appeared on the HCL special collections blog; be sure to follow their Tumblr blog for more great features!
1. How did you become involved with book arts? What appeals to you about the book format?
PATRICIA: The doorway to the book arts was my bond with plant fiber papermaking, which began in 1990. I made my first accordion book from 100% cattail fiber paper in 2008. It was a feeble attempt to articulate my inner experience of being alive. I mistakenly believed I had connected with someone. It was such a surprise to me that I made a book about it. What appeals to me about the book format is that it is so very intimate. I want to make books with a nice hand-feel.
I see the book structure as a form of shelter—shelter from the storm, a complicated structure that needs to be gotten into, like my inner world. I also make handmade paper bowls that are a form of shelter because they resemble fragile birds’ nests. Paper may appear fragile, yet the paper I make is strong.
Hand lettering, handmade paper - Patrician Bungert - Artists's Book
Artist Book with Handmade Paper - I want I am
2. Readers interact with your book “I Want I Am” by turning pages, and flipping cards. There’s an element of suspense, a moment to question one’s own desires and personal traits. Tell me more about this work. Do you see it as a completely personal work, or are these wants universal?
PATRICIA: It is universal. Both men and women are actively wanting—even demanding—that someone meet their basic human right to be loved. Everybody wants to be loved, cared for, connected, recognized, to be received. Yet, I never heard anyone talk or write about the quality of what they had to offer.
I made “I Want, I Am” because I was alone. I started to see that I needed to connect with a man who might be my right mate. I asked myself what I had to offer. I wouldn’t ask for anything I wouldn’t be willing to give in return. I used the book form to consecrate my ability to give & to receive: that I possess both the virtues & the skills to give the things I want.
Book arts, handmade paper plants fibre
3. You use a lot of handmade paper made from natural plant fibers. What is the significance of these papers?
PATRICIA: I valued the domestic arts. Having never had a home as a child, homemaking was holy. I was daily using my skills in a powerful way to create a sacred space. I liked the domestic arts. I liked that plant fiber papermaking is done over the kitchen stove to boil the fibers to remove the lignins. It is done with a blender to pulp the fibers. It was done in the laundry room, where I pour the fibers to create large sheets. But unlike home-cooked meals or freshly-ironed laundry, handmade paper is permanent. It is protected, preserved & saved. It is collected for perpetuity.
More about Patricia and her work: I appreciate art that leaves me wanting to be a better person—more understanding, kind, empathetic, generous, brave, loving. I need courage. I have to be brave. In making small books, I am forced to be genuine. I get transparent about my pain, my hopes, and my heart’s desires.The book format is a structure for containment; it alone can contain my inner world. I need to be contained, held. We all do. Let’s take care of each other. Let’s build a true sacred domestic space together, where I can care for your soul & you can care for my body. Where we can be safe. Can we in some small way be a source of comfort to each other?I have a M.S. in forest resources. I approach papermaking as a scientist, using a science log for tracking internal & external enhancements. I make archival quality paper. I use my handmade plant fiber paper for my marketing & business development materials. As a self-employed project manager, I work at the intersection of science, technology, law, policy, engineering, & construction. Sometimes, I work at the margins. I am interested in intersections & margins.